During my childhood in the mid 1980's, I was indoctrinated into archery via the compound bow along with bow sights for aiming. Although it was enjoyable, I always felt a calling to the simplicity and elegance of traditional archery.
After graduating high school and enlisting in the US military in 1991, I did not touch a bow for many years. It wasn't until 2005 when I felt the desire to pick the bow back up again. This time I was ready to pursue the barebow and instinctive shooting.
Through self-education, along with trial and error, I was able to gain the knowledge and experience needed to hone my skill set. After years of diligent study and practice, my first student sought me out in 2011. It was then that I began my journey into teaching traditional archery and instinctive shooting.
I once read that true mastery is realized when the master continues to find lessons and teachings for himself within his own student. It is then that the student becomes the master, and the master humbly accepts his return to being the student.
Although I do not see myself as a master of anything, I know that my journey into archery turned into something much more enriching when I started teaching the art of the bow and arrow to my first student. That journey continues to this day with every new student that seeks me out.

Instinctive Shooting with a Barebow
Instinctive shooting relies upon the subconscious mind and muscle memory in order to make aiming adjustments on a barebow; aiming that does not use fixed or mechanical sights. My intent is to pass on the knowledge and information needed in order to accomplish this, along with developing a better understanding of self-awareness.
All lessons are by appointment only. I supply all archery equipment needed. Please contact me by submitting a message down below for further information regarding lessons, rates, scheduling and training locations within the San Diego, California area.

$60 per student per hour.
Individual lessons allow the student to have a more focused and customized session to better meet their individual style of learning. This one-on-one class also allows for maximum amount of time with bow in hand on the shooting lane.

$20 per student (4 or more)Â per hour.
Groups lessons are a more social and economical way to get introduced to archery. Prospective students tend to start in group lessons, but eventually desire to have more time on the shooting lane along with a customized training program better suited for their learning methods.
"You'll come to understand that instinctive shooting is about harmony, and that to achieve harmony between archer, bow, and arrow there must first be harmony in the archer."
An Arrow Never Lies
Doug Humphreys, Traditional Bowhunter Magazine, Oct/Nov 12 (Vol.23, No.5).